If you read my notes on FacebooIf you read my notes on Facebook, this is old. I'm reposting for those that don't. (originally posted 1/29/09)
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. I love to read. Up until last week I was rotating through reading 3 books at once.
2. I've always been a geek, but I'm just coming into my own and being happy with it in the last few years.
3. I took almost 9 years to get my degree. I only took 1 semester off (so 9 1/2), but with working full time and balancing time with family/friends/church, I never took more than 3 classes a semester. Some days I think this makes me a loser, but I don't care on days like today... I'm proud of myself and not giving up.
4. I realized during my last semester as a junior (3 for each level) that I should have majored in art history (or art), but it was a bit late to change. I may end up going back some day.
5. I'm a Twitter junkie. I'm on there all the time and have made several new geeky friends there. :) (Follow Warplayer & Okelay... they're great!)
6. I'm such a self-assured geek (& Twinkie- Twitter junkie) that I also follow several of my favorite actors from Star Trek: TNG, visit their websites/blogs and hope to attend my first Comicon this year (PAX would be better, but highly unlikely).
7. I still scrapbook, somewhat. I've been burned out the last year or so and hope to return to it VERY soon! :)
8. My favorite colors are black, red & blue, yet all my electronics are metallic sour apple green.
9. I <3 Tinkerbell, but my favorite Disney movies are Alice, Robin Hood & Dumbo.
10. I love all things Alice. My favorite PC game is American McGee’s Alice. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Tim Burton’s adaptation to the big screen. (It will probably become my all time favorite as it’ll have all my “perfect” movie elements as well as my favorite storyline.
11. “Perfect movie” in Pixie terms means it’s directed by Tim Burton, scored by Danny Elfman and stars Johnny Depp.
12. JD was my first (and only constant) celebrity crush… I think I was 6 when Jump Street started. :)
13. Current celebrity faves include: Edward Norton, Heath Ledger, Angelina Jolie, Isla Fischer & Adrien Brody.
14. I adopted the screen name PixieMegh to cover my love of all fairies (not just Tink). It has morphed itself into my nickname, Pixie, from all my ‘net friends.
15. I’d actually legally change my name to Pixie if I didn’t like my given name so much, it feels that much a part of who I am.
16. I’ve been married to the love of my life (gag me, right?), Matthew, for just over 7 years now. I think we’re just now getting used to living together.
17. My mom often told me while dating a certain HS sweetheart that I really wanted to marry someone that told me “no” once in awhile. She was right, and I did. What she failed to mention was how much I’d HATE hearing that stupid little word. ;) (“What DO you MEAN I can’t have my way all the time?”)
18. One of my best friends is an “ex-boyfriend.” He’s like family and can’t wait until I have kids to send off and pester him for me.
19. Another of my other best friends has been in my life since the first day of 2nd grade. I’d just moved there, and knew no one. She came up to me at recess and asked me to come and play. We recently celebrated her birthday by seeing Oliver & Co. at the El Capitan. It was the 20th anniversary of the movie, as well as our friendship.
20. I’m trying to be less snobby about my musical listening choices. It’s hard, but I’m really enjoying branching out. I still say that if it involves screaming, I’ll probably like it.
21. My dream job would be creating and selling things online. Etsy will work at first, but I’d eventually want my own store.
22. I have a Halloween costume that I’ve wanted to do for 5 years now; I finally may have the time to do it this year.
23. I LOVE Postsecret.com. I’ve only mailed in one secret, but often make them and rip them up when I’m done, it’s therapeutic.
24. I hope to re-teach myself how to play the flute this year.
25. I hate Valentines Day so Matthew usually gets me flowers the week before or after.
6 months ago
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