Saturday, April 25, 2009

PIF- Pay It Forward

So my friend Shyleen posted a really cool idea on her blog the other day. I'm going to pass it along because I thought it'd be fun.

The first 3 people to comment here will get a handmade gift from me. Since all I'm really good at is paper crafting, it'll be something along those lines. After that, it all depends on what I decide to make you. :)

The catch? You gotta comment here first, and then you HAVE to post this back on YOUR blog. Gotta PIF!

(Facebook readers: Sorry guys, you gotta post to my actual blog. Get over there and comment!!)


Trena said...

Meghan - I want a free gift, but I cannot pay it forward! You know I have NO crafty ability!! I have nothing to give. :( Don't you feel sorry for me? :P

malia said...

Love ya Meghan!
I will repost this!

Karen Hansen Goodwin said...

I want a free gift fun idea I will repost as well.

Shy said...

Trena it can anything you make well u'll have to talk it over with meg. My one friend is making me baked goods so maybe you could cook something ? Technically you are hand making baked goods. Since you have to stir in the ingredients, roll out the dough sometimes, roll the dough into a ball and place it on the cookie tray. Therefore your hands are definately involved...hahaha. Just an idea...btw I guess I'm to late to sign up. Dang it ! I love your scrapbooking abilties / talent meg :)

Trena said...

Yes, It would have to be baked, because that's the only thing I do well! I'm just not crafty talented! :)

Pixie said...

Nah Shy, I'll make you one too. :) The one I'm making for Karen will work for you too, so it won't be hard. You're all getting the "same thing" but all different themed. I've brainstormed enough... time to get to work! :D

Stacey Lyn Tippetts said...

I saw this a while back. I'm finally going to post it on my blog now. Love seeing all your cute stuff! You are so talented!

Cheryl said...

Am I too late? hehe...anyway cool idea. What did the top three win? You should post it to let us all see what we missed out on! hehe